Your Success is Our Success!

Your Success is Our Success!

We have some good news for you:

Spray Foam Equipment & Manufacturing thrives off of our contractors' growth!

That’s right.

We WANT you to succeed!

Because your success is our success.

We build equipment with your success in mind.

Because we know what it’s like to start from the ground up.

And we care about your future.

Everyone starts somewhere, as we are fond of saying.

Your success means that our equipment has served you well.

And that’s why we are in this business!

We strive to make the best spray foam equipment on the market.

We make it simple.

We make it easy to work on.

And we make it to last!

Because we have been where you are.

Today, Spray Foam Equipment & Manufacturing is a one-stop-shop for all of your spray foam equipment needs. We will even supply your spray foam (reach out to us for more information)!

But we are unique among manufacturers.

Before we made the best spray foam machines, spray hoses, and spray foam guns on the market (to name a few items), we were spray foam contractors - just like you.

That means we design and build our BOSS equipment from a contractor’s perspective.

We know how hard it is to build and sustain a spray foam contracting business (and that it’s worth the work!).

We have experienced the ups and the downs of working for ourselves.

We understand the ins and outs of the spray foam insulation world.

We have succeeded in our spray foam contracting businesses, and we have also gutted our way through setbacks.

Spray Foam Equipment & Manufacturing makes rugged, reliable equipment that every spray foam contractor needs.

We can say that with confidence because we were contractors before we were manufacturers.

And we know what a spray foam job looks like.

(It’s a mess!)

We want you to succeed - and we know how to help you in your journey as a spray foam contractor.


When you’re on the job, there isn’t much worse than needing to stop to fix an issue with your spray foam machine or equipment.  

Unexpected delays are annoying and can even be detrimental to your business.

Equipment maintenance is necessary and should be expected. The mixing chamber of your spray foam gun, for instance, will require regular cleaning - it’s tiny and prone to clogging if not properly cared for.

Since we were spray foam contractors first, we know this about spray foam equipment and set out to make maintenance easier by employing simple equipment design.

We succeeded. (You’re welcome!)

Because we have worked countless spray foam jobs, we have also learned that non-maintenance stoppage time is almost always avoidable.  

But avoiding unexpected delays requires understanding and respect for your equipment and foam products.

Rolling with the punches is part of the job.

But so is learning about your foam!

When you understand foam and know how to work with it, you can avoid all sorts of potential issues.

That kind of knowledge comes with time, and we can help you get ahead of the curve with our one-on-one training.

Some trial and error is necessary in this line of work.

You learn what hose temperature delivers the best results for the particular foam you’re spraying.

You learn how to manage your equipment for optimal performance.

You learn all sorts of things as a spray foam contractor that manufacturers wouldn’t understand - unless they have been spray foam contractors too. (Like we have!)

We are in a unique position to help you succeed in your spray foam insulation business.

Because we have been where you are, we make equipment that we know will support you.

We make affordable, reliable spray foam equipment you can trust.

BOSS spray foam machines are simple - on purpose!

Sometimes, simple is more reliable, and it’s certainly easier to work on.

As such, no bells and whistles are included in our BOSS spray foam machines - just the necessary parts - but they are still sleek and attractive!

BOSS spray hoses heat efficiently and perform beautifully.

BOSS spray foam guns spray the best and clean the fastest of any spray foam guns on the market.

Spray Foam Equipment & Manufacturing knows what is needed from spray foam equipment.

Easy maintenance and repairs are a must on a spray foam job so that you can get back to spraying foam!

We make simple, sturdy equipment that you can work on.

New to this field?

Let us help you learn the tricks of the trade.

We offer training when you purchase our spray foam rigs!  

We will teach you how to use your BOSS equipment.

But we are here for you even after we leave your rig or machine with you! We regularly offer troubleshooting help on this blog and in the form of how-to videos.

Check out our video, flow chart, and blog post to diagnose your hose heat issues.

If you need direct help from us, call or email us!

We are here to help you succeed.

Because we want to put the power back into your hands.

You started your spray foam contracting business to get away from all of the tight-gripped hands of the corporate world and make your own way in the world.

We want to help you do that!

So we cut out the middlemen.

We don’t work with distributors - we ship everything factory-direct.

And that gives you and your business more flexibility than ever.

You deal with us directly, and we make all of the equipment you order right here in our shop.

You can learn from our years of experience in the spray foam industry and get answers about our products straight from the source. 

No one knows our equipment better than we do!

Your spray foam insulation business is more affordable than ever when you use BOSS spray foam equipment.

And we make it to last - so you don’t need to buy more than one machine from us until you have grown your business enough to need more spray foam machines!

Your success is our prerogative!


As a business owner, you know making money is essential.

Everyone in business needs to make a profit to survive.

But money isn’t everything.

We want you to succeed so that you can keep the American Dream alive.

The dream that you can build a business from the ground up.

The dream that hard work can pay off.

We want your American Dream to come true.

And as it does, you help us with ours!

When your business thrives, so does ours!

The world of spray foam is a web of opportunity.

We can all help each other grow - and Spray Foam Equipment & Manufacturing takes your success seriously.

Because we are a team of real people that care about small businesses and individual spray foam contractors.

And we care about being fair.

Every customer pays the same price for our equipment, no matter how big their business is.

Because that’s fair.

It helps give you, the small-business owner, a leg-up so that you can compete.

And compete, you will!

We know it, and so do you.

You were built for success.

So get out there and succeed!


Our business is built on trust and ingenuity.

We care about each other.

We care about our families.

We care about our customers.

And we make simple - but clever - equipment that will help foster the trust of our customers, their business associates, their communities, and their families.

No one goes into business truly alone.

There are endless resources available for you to help your growth as a business owner, even if you feel alone.

Have you reached out to your local small business administration?

There is probably a district or regional office nearby to help support you!

Have you talked to your chamber of commerce?

There are other small business owners in your area that are ready to meet you.

For more ideas on how to market yourself and grow your spray foam business, check out our online marketing and community marketing posts!

Have you reached out to us yet?

We are also here for you!

We are here to answer your questions, explain our products, and even help train you for success.

Give us the chance to foster a business relationship with you!

We build our business on trust and ingenuity - and we treat all of our customers with respect and integrity.

We look forward to speaking with you!


Spray Foam Equipment & Manufacturing consistently delivers new solutions for your spray foam business needs.

All of our BOSS equipment is designed to support you in your business, build trust in our commitment to customer service, and keep you as a business partner!

Your success is our success.

Your satisfaction with our products is our prerogative.

And your business’s growth is our goal.

We want to help you feel secure in your skills as a business owner.

We want to help you build your future with our high-quality equipment.

And we want to help you fulfill your dreams.

Reach out to our trained staff today, and let’s build something great together!

Until we meet again, SPRAY ON!

- The Team at BOSS


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